Tag: Making decisions

WATCH: How to Turbocharge New Habits and New Behaviours!

Today, I’d like to talk about ‘Behaviour Change’. And, in particular, developing new habits to achieve excellence and to achieve great…

WATCH: How to Develop New Positive Habits that Stick

Today, I’d like to talk about ‘Behaviour Change’ and in particular about developing new habits. New productive Habits. New habits…

WATCH: How to Use Your Brain Chemistry to Make a Change

Today, I’d like to talk about the ‘Second Law of Behaviour Change’. Especially, when it comes to habits. And that is…

READ Part 1:Are You Being Dishonest In Your Recruitment?

I’ve recently met a number of senior managers who left a new job after only six or nine months because…

READ Part 3: Stop Wasting Time, Money and Effort On Recruitment

Loyalty has gone out the window! So in order to avoid wasting time, money and effort on recruitment you need…