Category: Brain Science & Neuroscience

WATCH: The Neuroscience of being a Player or a Pawn

We all make our own reality.  Even in these unprecedented times. Whether you believe this or not, you are always…

WATCH: SCARF Fairness: Why your brain hates unfairness

Today, I’d like to talk about the last item in the SCARF Model. The SCARF model was developed by David Rock and it’s a great way of understanding a…

WATCH: SCARF Relatedness: Why your thoughts are consumed with relationships

Today, I’d like to talk about another element of the SCARF Model developed by David Rock. It’s a great way of understanding the primary threats and…

WATCH: SCARF Model Intro: Which Primary Threat is triggering you?

What are the primary threats and rewards that can come to us when we’re triggered, and the things that actually…

WATCH: P-A-M Motivation

The P-A-M Motivation was popularised by Dan Pink in his excellent book Drive, so I highly recommend that book. What…


This is the second in a short series that I’m doing on the SCARF Model “Status”, which is developed by…