Category: Growth Mindset

WATCH: Prediction Errors – Are you able to celebrate Mistakes?

Today I’d like to  talk about learning that you can get from decision-making through Prediction Errors. There’s now a vast…

WATCH: The 4 Px of Growth Mindset

This episode is about ‘The Four Paradoxes of a Growth Mindset’. If we take a paradox as having two particular…

WATCH: Which Context or Which Mindset?

Today, I’d like to talk about ‘Mindset’, and the work of Carol Dweck who coined the phrase ‘Growth Mindset’ and…

WATCH: The Mixed Power Of Praise

Today, I’d like to talk to you about a particular experiment done by Dr. Carol Dweck when she was Professor…

WATCH: Why Optimism Can Make You Look Incompetent

Today I’m going to talk about the paradox of strategic acumen. It’s one of the twelve paradoxes developed by Dr.…

READ SCARF Article 5: The Neuroscience of Unfairness

In the early stages of the pandemic many people purchased more than they needed leaving others without. This created panic…