Category: Growth Mindset

WATCH: Life Lessons from a Dark Time

Hello, Today I’d like to talk about some life lessons from dark times. We’re going through a really difficult period at the moment with a…

WATCH: SCARF Certainty: Addicted to certainty an uncertain world

Today is the next in the series about the Primary Threats and Rewards developed by David Rock which he calls…

WATCH: SCARF Fairness: Why your brain hates unfairness

Today, I’d like to talk about the last item in the SCARF Model. The SCARF model was developed by David Rock and it’s a great way of understanding a…

WATCH: SCARF Relatedness: Why your thoughts are consumed with relationships

Today, I’d like to talk about another element of the SCARF Model developed by David Rock. It’s a great way of understanding the primary threats and…

WATCH: SCARF Model Intro: Which Primary Threat is triggering you?

What are the primary threats and rewards that can come to us when we’re triggered, and the things that actually…


This is the second in a short series that I’m doing on the SCARF Model “Status”, which is developed by…