WATCH: How Well Are You Nurturing Your Physical Resilience?

Today I’d like to talk about developing Physical Resilience and while you may have heard of a number of the things that I’m going to mention, what I’d like you to do is just think carefully about the ones that you may be neglecting.


Physical Resilience

What are the one or two things that you can do, from the lists that I’m going to go through, just a bit more in order to build up and boost your physical resilience. Because the key elements that you need to be able to look out for are nutrition, sleep and exercise, and think about how you can balance those things. 

With food it’s about, you know, eating real food. It’s about making sure that you avoid processed food. Manage your sugar, eat the rainbow so that you’re having a well-balanced diet. Think of your Five a Day and drink plenty of water so that your body stays hydrated. 

And the next one is sleep. And sleep is there’s a lot of research now about sleep which I really highly recommend you explore and look into. The latest research search is showing that people who get six or less hours sleep per night have a 30% higher chance of developing dementia in their 60s and 70s. So think also about the amount of light that you’re getting before you go to bed. Especially blue screen light. Avoid looking at any screens about 45 minutes before you want to go to sleep. 

Think about food and drink, not lots of it just before you go to sleep. Get enough exercise so that you can sleep well and feel tired when you need to sleep. Make sure that the room is the right temperature so they say about 18 or 19 degrees, much more than that and it’s not that good for getting a good night’s sleep.  And also have a routine, go to bed at a regular time get up at a regular time, and then your normal rhythms will be able to fit in with that. 

And exercise well, do get some exercise every day. Think about strength exercise at least twice a week where you’re doing some more hard stuff, physical stuff, and about moderate exercise about 150 minutes per week, and intense exercise about 75 minutes per week. And then also break up your sitting time if you’re spending a lot of time at your desk get up and walk around at least once an hour. So, as you think about developing your Physical Resilience think about these things that you probably know about, but that you may not be doing as well as you could.

Because when it comes to resilience and it comes to energy, stay curious!


With best regards,

David Klaasen 

Talent4Performance help business leaders clarify complexity. We inspire people and drive continuous performance improvement, so they can convert thinking into action and results. 

©David Klaasen – 2014